World VFX Day – 2024 Art Competition!


Following the success of the 2023 World VFX Day Challenge by Escape Studios for their students, this year we’re running the #EscapeToTheMoon challenge again, but this time everyone worldwide is invited to take part! 

The challenge is inspired by ‘A Trip To The Moon’ (‘Le Voyage Das La Lune’) a 1902 Sci-Fi movie by the “Godfather of VFX”, Georges Méliès.

See some of last year’s entries via Escape Studios’ Instagram, here.

World VFX Day, which takes place each year on 8th December, celebrates the art, creativity, innovation and people in the vast world of visual effects (VFX). A collective of visual effects studios, organisations and professionals from all over the world will gather for a series of talks, interviews, tutorials and giveaways. 

Escape Studios are an official Education Partner for World VFX Day, which will be live streamed from Tokyo, Japan on 6th and 8th December 2024. Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel for notifications on new content.

This year’s art challenge is open to everyone to participate, regardless of expertise. We aim to show as many of the entries as possible in the lead up to World VFX Day, with the winners showcase throughout the live streams. 



The rules for the #EscapeToTheMoon2024 challenge are outlined as follows:

  • Be as creative as you like with the theme – there are no rules here!
  • Japanese art inspired work is very welcome (as World VFX Day will be streamed from Japan this year)
  • Anyone can enter: students, professionals, VFX enthusiasts etc
  • Submissions can be from any specialism
  • Moving image: limit of 10 seconds
  • Still images: maximum 10 images
  • One entry per person
  • Submissions to be sent via this form and uploaded to social media using the themed hashtag #EscapeToTheMoon2024
  • You will have until 7th October to create and submit your art
  • Entries will be reviewed by Escape Studios and our industry partners, with the winners announced on World VFX Day!
Please be advised that the #EscapeToTheMoon2024 challenge is designed to encourage genuine creativity. By uploading your submission, you agree to create and submit original content that reflects your own work and idea. 

We look forward to seeing your creative skills! 

If you have any questions, please contact us via our contact form.


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